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This is an unsupported configuration created by the community

If you'd like to use Caddy as your main web server with Pi-hole, you'll need to make a few changes.


This guide only deals with setting up caddy as a reverse-proxy and not as a replacement for lighttpd (Although caddy is capable of doing so, but it is beyond the scope of this guide).

Modifying lighttpd configuration

create your config file: /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/04-caddy.conf with the following content

server.port := 1080

link it to /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled folder

> ln -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/04-caddy.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/04-caddy.conf

Next, restart the lighttpd server with either of these commands:

sudo systemctl restart lighttpd


sudo service lighttpd restart

if your lighttpd is throwing the following error:

network.c.369) can't bind to socket: [::]:80: Permission denied

please check file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/ " + server.port

is executed before the line:

include "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*.conf"

Update lighttpd.conf from:

# default listening port for IPv6 falls back to the IPv4 port
include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/ " + server.port
include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/"
include "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*.conf"


include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/"
include "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*.conf"
# default listening port for IPv6 falls back to the IPv4 port
include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/ " + server.port

Installing Caddy

Follow the instructions on the Caddy download documentation page.

Setting up your Caddyfile

Now set up a "virtual host" in your Caddyfile (default /etc/caddy/Caddyfile). There are many options you can add, but at a minimum, you need to make a "default" host by binding :80. This will accept requests for any interface on port 80.

Caddyfile (for Caddy v2)

http://pi.hole {
  reverse_proxy localhost:1080
  • If you'd like to enable HTTPS on your site, make sure your server is reachable via your domain name (ex: and is pointing to the right IP address.
  • Additionally you need to open ports :80 and :443 (Apart from the one's required specifically for pi-hole) for your server before setting up HTTPS.

The following configuration will automatically fetch and setup HTTPS for your domain using Lets-Encrypt {
  reverse_proxy localhost:1080

Additionally you can make pihole reachable via a subdomain and optionally can you enable Zstandard and Gzip compression as follows: {
  reverse_proxy localhost:1080
  encode zstd gzip

Finally, run sudo systemctl caddy reload to reload Caddy with the new configuration.

Caddyfile (for Caddy v1)

Caddy v1 is no longer actively supported, but the following is a config example if you're running an old installation.

blackhole:80, pi.hole:80, {
  root /var/www/html/pihole
  log /var/log/caddy/blackhole.log

  rewrite {
    ext js
    to index.js

  proxy / localhost:1080 {

In this example, blackhole and pi.hole are added as valid names with which to open the admin page.

Verifying your setup

First, make sure that any other sites you're serving from caddy are still functioning. For example, if you have a block for or similar in your Caddyfile, open up a browser to (or https:// if you have enabled it) and verify it still loads.

Next, verify you can load the admin page. Open up http://pi.hole/admin (or use the IP address of your server) and verify that you can access the admin page.

Finally, verify that requests for ads are being black holed:

$ curl -H "Host: badhost" pi.hole/

Replace the URL pi.hole with the IP address or alternate DNS name you're using if necessary.

Lastly, ensure that requests for JavaScript files from advertisement domains are being served properly:

curl -H "Host: badhost" pi.hole/malicious.js
var x = "Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements."

For more information visit Caddy's documentation website.

For usage questions or support, visit the Caddy Community forums.